Living the Virtues Series: Honesty as a Spiritual Principle

September 27, 2014

Honesty as a Spiritual Principle



       Today, I am looking at honesty as a spiritual principle. It can seem so much easier to lie yourself out of a situation. Every person has had that voice inside his or her head at one point in life. If you choose the lie it may seem easier at first. But the reality is it creates a cloud around your life. Honesty is not always easy. Sometimes it will cause hurt, mistrust, stress in relationships, but ultimately it will build honor, integrity and character. These things will truly bring peace in your life. The quote I chose today is from Charles Edward Montague: “A lie will easily get you out of a scrape, and yet, strangely and beautifully, rapture possesses you when you have taken the scrape and left out the lie.” Essentially, what Montague is saying is that even if at first, the lie seems easy, honesty will bring about a greater emotional state and well being.


   Honesty as a spiritual principle means taking the fall. It means weighing the choice you have and choosing the right thing to do. When you apply this to your life, even through the harder situations, you will see your mind and body will be at ease. You will be comfortable with who you have become. You will know peace.


     Some people think that they need to lie in order to not hurt someone they love or admire. I know this can be difficult for a lot of people. And even if you fool yourself into thinking the life won’t hurt, you are still affected by it. Dishonesty can consume our bodies. The choice is yours. Do you choose to be ravaged by dishonesty or consumed by rapture? The latter, in the end, is what will bring about peace and a joyful virtuous life.


     As with each new installment with the Living the Virtues Series, I give you small affirmations to practice saying to yourself throughout the week. The affirmations for this week are: “No matter the outcome, I choose a life of honesty.” “Honesty is strengthening my relationships with people.” “I am drawn to people who share my honest intentions.” “Honesty brings me peace.” To implement honesty as a spiritual principle in your life, practice these affirmations. Make a commitment to yourself to change your perceptions and your attitude. You will see there is much more happiness in living a truthful life. Thanks for reading. InJoy your day!

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