Improve Health & Lose Weight

A desire to lose weight is one of the most common reasons clients seek out my help. But I don't just want to help them lose weight, I want to help them have better health and life experiences. Of all the clients I have worked with and all the varying problems we’ve addressed, I've found that making changes regarding health and weight loss are among the greatest of challenges.
In order for someone to lose weight – and keep it off – they have to address their mental attitude, thought patterns, belief systems and habits… and I’m not just referring to eating habits. And even if I was referring to just eating habits, this encompasses alot more than how much we eat, it refers to the type of food we eat and how often we eat… all issues that need to be addressed individually.
Who has time and mental energy to learn the right way of eating especially when we have to filter through all the diet trends, marketing strategies, and manipulative labeling on packaging? So if changing eating habits wasn’t challenging enough, to lose weight and be healthier we also have to change exercise habits, drinking habits, sleep habits,grocery shopping habits, how-I-eat-when-I-celebrate habits, how-I-eat-when-I-feel-down habits, time-spent-cooking habits, how-I-eat-at-social-events habits, and what-I-grab-to-eat-when-I’m-busy habits. Wew! All this makes us want to give up before we even start!
Due to all these possible pitfalls I have taken it on as a personal and professional challenge to come up with a program to help those seeking my help for health and weight loss. I have done a lot of research and have implemented much of what I have learned in my own home and life. I share this knowedge with you via my Health and Weight Loss Blog, as well as in my Health and Weight Loss Products. Of course, if you want individualized assistance, I am here for you.

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