It’s all about alpha brain waves when it comes to creativity and peak performance. In an alpha state of mind, time is no longer measurable and you are consumed by tunnel vision. Your eyes dance from object to object in a rapid but deliberately smooth and intentional way, navigating through the consuming task at hand. For some, this state of mind is a rare event, while for others; this state of mind comes naturally. For almost all, this state of mind is trainable and attainable at will. Enter the science behind peak performance.
When faced with complex problems, creative people demonstrate bursts of alpha wave activity during moments of inspiration and insight. Less creative people do not show these big bursts of alpha. Similarly, the difference between elite and novice athletes can be seen in their brain activity. In the beginning, a novice athlete’s brain shows very little alpha brain wave activity. The more experience, the more alpha. Just before their best free throws, an elite basket baller will produce a huge burst of alpha brain waves. Just before their best drives and just before their best shots, golfers, marksmen, and archers alike will show bursts of alpha brain wave activity.
You may or may not have heard of alpha brain waves before now. Those with a background in neuroscience or perhaps an interest in meditation may have. So let’s break it down and take it back to fundamentals and build the concept.