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September 15, 2014
taken from The Mind Unleashed 19th of February, 2014
Deja vu is one of the little-known and mysterious phenomena of our psyche. Many people sometimes feel that a situation in their life has already been experienced before in all the details. But how and when? This phenomenon is called déjà vu, which in French means ‘already seen’. It is a condition in which a person feels that once he already experienced a situation of the present, but the feeling is not associated with a specific moment of the past, but refers to the past in general.
Deja vu is quite common. Psychologists believe that 60 to 70% of people have experienced it at least once. Sometimes people are afraid of deja vu and worry about their mental health.. And what lies beyond human understanding, can sometimes frighten us.
The reasons that cause the phenomenon are still not clear. It might be caused by the processes in the parts of the brain associated with memory and perception. There is a hypothesis that sometimes the perceived information gets to the memory areas sooner than to the area of the primary analysis. Thus, the brain, comparing the situation with its ‘neurocopy’ already received by the memory, concludes that it already happened before.
The human brain works with the help of biological electricity. It receives bioelectric energy from the whole body and itself. The two hemispheres of the brain concentrate energy in different ways. The left hemisphere concentrates electrical impulses with a negative charge, and the right hemisphere – the ones with a positive charge. The potential difference results in a manifold increase of the incoming electrical energy of low-frequency waves. But there is also a high-frequency current, which is perceived by our brain and body as a whole from the environment. This high-frequency subtle energy is used by our nervous system to provide all the physiological and psychological functions. Science has long proven that no man or any other living being can survive without the subtle energy. At the same time, our brain can also produce this kind of energy. This happens during the process of thinking because as a result of mental activity, dense electricity is converted into the subtle.
Subtle energy has been known to man for a long time. Psychologists call it mental or spiritual energy, physics – the energy of the physical vacuum. Scientists have discovered an elementary particle of this energy – psychon, an analog of the electron in the dense energy. Psychophysical studies have shown that thinking is primarily a process of producing the subtle electricity with certain characteristics of the information. Thus, some psychics can see thought forms as subtle electric field in different colors.
Psychology cannot yet describe in detail this feature of our thought forms. But experimental achievements in the field of quantum physics prove the very possibility of the existence of thought forms as energy simultaneously in different spatiotemporal continuities. It is proved that quantum can exist in different places at the same time! Astrophysics confirms this possibility with the discovery that light from distant stars comes to us from the past, present and future simultaneously.
Thus, if a person is experiencing deja vu, it may be the result of the information brought by his strong thought forms from the past or future. We have a wonderful and mysterious at first glance possibility to obtain information from different spatiotemporal continuities connected with us through our thought forms. Very strong, sustained thought forms are created under the influence of strong emotions and motivations. Therefore, very emotional people with dominant behaviors are most likely to experience deja vu.
Deja vu is not a mental disorder and there is no need to worry if you are experiencing it. Try to get the emotional satisfaction of this phenomenon and the fear will disappear immediately. Further studies into the deja vu phenomenon will help bi-consciously control it and use it to explore human psychic abilities.
Anna LeMind is the owner and lead editor of the website, and a staff writer for The Mind Unleashed.
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