Living the Virtues Series: Acceptance of a Higher Power

August 07, 2014

Acceptance of Higher Power

       The past few weeks have been the start of my Living the Virtues Series. I wrote about acceptance of self, others, life, and now I will delve into acceptance of a higher power. At this point, you should be having a pretty good idea of how to implement the basic acceptance-type skills in your life; meaning that looking at others, life, self, and seeing it for what it is. There is a freedom that you get when you have acceptance. This week, I’m writing about the acceptance of a higher power. There are a lot of different beliefs out there. I am not trying to tell you to go out there and buy into one or the other. I am looking at an all-encompassing higher power spiritualism. If you look at the evolution of a spiritual self of a greater wisdom that is within you and around you that channels through you, then acceptance in general is a very positive spiritual evolving way to live your life.


       The quote that I chose today is from Dennis De Rougamont: “Happiness can exist only in acceptance.” I have done some reading from the Dalai Lama and he talks about acceptance and when you have reached a level of acceptance how much peace and joy you feel in your life. The Dalai recognizes that acceptance is a key to happiness. How would you like to live your life in a manner where you can embrace whatever comes your way? Can you embrace life for what it is and be truly happy? There will always be growth, even when you have acceptance. Growing in spirituality, joy, inner peace, those things will only bring about a true existence. When you choose to accept, then we can work on introspection. You can look at where you have been, learn from others and the uniqueness that is in each and every one of us, and know that you are taking action in life to a higher standard. When you have acceptance of self, others, life, and a higher power, you allow things to be as they are and acknowledge internally that existence is as it comes. Embracing the gift of grace as you accept a higher power in your life is what I would like to help you through.


       When you accept a higher power in your life, you will experience greater peace, greater freedom, greater happiness. But first you need to meditate, pray, forgive and to ask for forgiveness as you practice acceptance. Many people have come to me interested in changing their lives. I start with the basics. I believe that acceptance is one of the greatest virtues and you truly cannot move forward in your life without it. It cannot be done in a day. It is something that you have to consciously think on and implement daily into your life. Mental training can help with the journey of self actualization. Many people have started the Living the Virtues Series on acceptance in the beginning of July. When you first accept yourself you can be a happier person and therefore have more to give to others because it creates stability of emotions and mentality. When you implement the virtue of acceptance, you will be capable of noticing the change within, but also a draw towards spirituality. Happiness can only exist in acceptance. What are you waiting for? Thanks for reading. InJoy your day.

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