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June 02, 2017
Imagine that! Can you believe it?
The following three things – staying up late at night, messiness, and swearing– are generally considered to be certain indicators of bad manners, laziness, and general failure.
However, recent scientific research claim the very opposite.
If you suspect that you belong to the category of people with these traits, you should definitely read this article and find out more about yourself.
A research article, posted in Psychology Today, explained how human beings have the innate ability to ignore their biological clock and its rhythms. Every animal on this planet has a thing called circadian rhythm, which tells them when to go to sleep and when to wake up. We humans have this too, but unlike animals, we have the ability to alter its rhythm.
This very fact means that people can choose whether they wish to be morning persons or nocturnal creatures.
How cool is that, right?
This same article published in Psychology Today, speaks of the possibility that children who are more intelligent grow up to be nocturnal than the ones who are less intelligent. This means, that in fact – staying up late at night is not such a bad sign after all.
Another study posted in Huffington Post found that persons who swear actually have a greater vocabulary. The team behind this study examined subject from ages 18-22, asking them to list taboo words with specific letter in a limited period of time and then asked them to name animals according to the same principle. The results of this experiment showed that the people who knew more swear words had an overall better vocabulary. The researches also examined the effects of swearing, learning that swearing can eliminate both emotional and physical pain and stress. So if swearing takes away your pain – do you think it is really that bad?
The next finding might be the most significant of them all. A psychologist at the University of Minnesota found that persons who have messy rooms are more creative too.
When a person has creative thoughts, it means that he or she is thinking outside the box. For instance, if someone’s clothes must all be placed in the closet, but are actually on the floor and around the room, it may mean that this person is thinking in an unconventional manner, not like every other person.
Even Albert Einstein, one of the smartest people in history, spoke of this subject, saying: “if a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, then what does an empty desk mean?”
So, you need to forget about thinking the way other people do and leave your things simply lying around in your room.
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich once stated that “well-behaved women seldom make history”.
And the woman was absolutely right.
In fact, her quote can be applied to males as well. Just forget everything that you have been taught before about not swearing, keeping your room neat and not staying up late at night.
Source: Sciencepunch
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