The Network + Community is an online platform where people with similar interests and passions can come together to share ideas, collaborate, and support each other. Whether you're looking for like-minded friends, business partners, or mentors, the Network + Community can help you find the connections you need to grow and thrive. With our easy-to-use platform and vibrant community, you'll be able to connect with others who share your interests and goals, and together, you can achieve even more than you could on your own. Join the Network + Community today and start building the connections that matter most to you.
Each month Dawn carves out an hour to connect with people like you. Speak with Dawn directly by joining our Network and Community and tuning into Dialogue with Dawn Live on the first Thursday of every month at 5:00 pm (ET). If you need clarity or are interested in understanding training concepts more clearly, then these conversations are for you. They will help you to transform your life! Not only is Dialogue with Dawn Live the perfect opportunity to ask Dawn questions, but you will also learn from hearing others' questions and answers.
Typically the webinar starts with about 30 minutes of training, followed by Q&A. Frequently Dawn will devote the entire hour to questions and answers. While these conversations are live, recent episodes can also be accessed in the subscriber’s online library.