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Q & A

Questions and Answers


QUESTION: Will I be aware of what is going on?
ANSWER: Absolutely! Some people feel that when they are in hypnosis, they are asleep. On the contrary, your mind is two to three hundred times more alert than it is at this very moment. If you have ever taken a power nap- you know that you are aware but choosing to relax, that if the phone rings it seems loud and startles you. This is the same relaxation with heightened state of awareness that I am referring to.


QUESTION: What if I don’t wake up?
ANSWER: There is only one thing that you “wake up” from and that is sleep. Since you are not asleep, then… yes, you don’t wake up. What you do is emerge. Anytime that you want to emerge from hypnosis, all you have to do is have the slightest thought that you don’t want to be in this relaxed state anymore. Instantly, the hypnosis is over and you are back to your normal state of awareness.


CONCERN: The hypnotist can make you do anything they want you to do!
RESPONSE: Nothing could be further from the truth! You are in complete control from beginning to end. First, you decide if you even want to be hypnotized… no one (not even a hypnotist) can hypnotize you against your will. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. Once you choose to go into hypnosis, Dawn can give you suggestions. When you hear a suggestion you choose to either accept it or not. In order to accept a suggestion you have to think and feel- “I like it, I know that will work for me.”


QUESTION: What do I get when I purchase a Mental Training & Hypnosis Package?
1. You will receive a downloadable 25 minute informative video called a Pre-Talk. In it I educate you on the different levels of your mind & the truth about hypnosis, and then prep you with how to get the greatest amount of success from your mental training & hypnosis sessions.
2. A topic specific hypnosis session which is an audio download. I guide you into the relaxed state of hypnosis, offer you compounded suggestions for change, give you a trigger which will be associated to the mindset & change for your day-to-day use, and lead you through a visual exercise… all to the sound of peaceful ocean waves.
3. A topic specific mental training session which is a video download. Using the information on the levels of the mind I gave you in the Pre-Talk, I coach you through implementing change and having awareness of thoughts/attitude/perception etc. I also take you through specific brainstorming exercises addressed on provided Lifework-Sheet.
4. Three downloadable PDF files: a Lifework-Sheet, a Self Suggestion Page, and mini Pocket Suggestions.


QUESTION: What do I get when I purchase a Hypnosis Session?
1. You will receive a downloadable 25 minute informative video called a Pre-Talk. In it I educate you on the different levels of your mind & the truth about hypnosis, and then prep you with how to get the greatest amount of success from your hypnosis session.
2. A topic specific hypnosis session which is an audio download. I guide you into the relaxed state of hypnosis, offer you compounded suggestions for change, give you a trigger which will be associated to the mindset & change for your day-to-day use, and lead you through a visual exercise… all to the sound of peaceful ocean waves.


QUESTION: Can I Be Hypnotized?   
Yes, everyone can be hypnotized... as long as the person wants to be hypnotized. Humans actually pass through a state of 'hypnosis' about every 2 hours, it is what we call daydreaming or zoning out- like staring at a fire in  fireplace and tuning everything else out (although you still hear everything else), driving down a highway while your thoughts are wondered off (yet you are still safe and drive the car), and even while you fall asleep every night.

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