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Freedom From Telling White Lies

hypnosis meditation audio

Stop telling white lies and build stronger, more authentic relationships. Have you ever noticed that you will tell white lies in an effort to make things easier or to not create any problems? Most people that tell white lies have good intentions, usually trying to spare someone's feelings. But have you ever considered that your friends have been observing you lying to others in their presence, or that people can usually tell in their gut that they are being lied to? You can be a kind, loving, friendly person but have a reputation for lying. And, even though you had good intentions, you are losing respect and tainting your relationships. You will learn to overcome the habit of lying and develop the confidence to be open and honest in your communication. Take control of your relationships and start building trust and respect.

Special areas of Concentration Incorporated in the Hypnosis Suggestions:

  • A healthy level of confidence in who you are and what you have to offer
  • Highly capable of having healthy communication and relationships with others
  • Respect yourself, honoring your position, your perception, and your truth
  • Open and honest in conversations. Communicating from a healthy, loving place
  • Acceptance of others, their perception, and their truth

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  • Dialogue with Dawn Live + Archive

  • Downloadable Hypnosis Audio

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  • Intro To The Mind Video

  • Unlimited Streaming of 50+ Expert-Made Hypnosis Audios

  • Network + Community Access

  • Dialogue with Dawn Live Q&A

  • Unlimited Streaming of 50+ Expert-Made Hypnosis Audios

  • Intro To The Mind Video

  • Network + Community Access

  • Dialogue with Dawn Live + Archive


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  • Downloadable Hypnosis Audio

  • Intro To The Mind Video



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  • Unlimited Streaming of 50+ Expert-Made Hypnosis Audios

  • Intro To The Mind Video

  • Network + Community Access

  • Dialogue with Dawn Live + Archive

Stop telling white lies and build stronger, more authentic relationships. Have you ever noticed that you will tell white lies in an effort to make things easier or to not create any problems? Most people that tell white lies have good intentions, usually trying to spare someone's feelings. But have you ever considered that your friends have been observing you lying to others in their presence, or that people can usually tell in their gut that they are being lied to? You can be a kind, loving, friendly person but have a reputation for lying. And, even though you had good intentions, you are losing respect and tainting your relationships. You will learn to overcome the habit of lying and develop the confidence to be open and honest in your communication. Take control of your relationships and start building trust and respect.

Special areas of Concentration Incorporated in the Hypnosis Suggestions:

  • A healthy level of confidence in who you are and what you have to offer
  • Highly capable of having healthy communication and relationships with others
  • Respect yourself, honoring your position, your perception, and your truth
  • Open and honest in conversations. Communicating from a healthy, loving place
  • Acceptance of others, their perception, and their truth

About hypnosis meditation

what is it?

Hypnosis Meditation is when you are in deep physical relaxation and mentally, you are far more alert than your normal state of awareness. You hear and respond to everything as an active participant in the session. You have complete control over what you will or will not do, instantly rejecting any uncomfortable suggestion. If you like and want the positive suggestions given, you allow them to enter your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a computer and must respond to everything and determine what is allowed to enter it. We are the programming our subconscious has received. If it perceives ourselves to be a particular way, then we believe and act accordingly. Using Hypnosis, you can make rapid and substantial change because it helps you access the programming of your subconscious mind and reprogram yourself to make a desired, permanent change.

The benefits of Hypnosis Meditation are profound. As positive changes are made, you are healthier mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. When you are a healthy, happy person who feels positive and fulfilled in life, you radiate this success and therefore attract even more success into your life.

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