"There are people out there that have secrets that they do not want people to know. I've had people that are doing things that they don't want people to know, but I've also had military people want to hire me and they're like, “I have top secret clearance and I'm concerned. I do not want these secrets to come out. I swore my life that I wouldn't let these secrets out.” There are concerns for many different reasons as to whether a person, while in hypnosis, will tell all their secrets, and they will not because you do have awareness of what is being said to you, of your total environment, and of what you are saying. That is just a fact of the state of mind. It is alpha theta. You pass through it when you go to sleep at night; you pass through it when you wake up in the morning. Just like lying in bed, if you wake up at 4:00 a.m. and your partner's there next to you, you are not gonna tell her all your deep, dark secrets. Right? The alpha-theta state is a normal place for your brain and your mind to go, and you're not going to tell the hypnotist anything that you don't want to say, and they can't dig up anything. They can help you to, if you wanted to. That is one of the things people have hired me for. For example, if a patient has misplaced an item and they hid a ring and they cannot remember where they hid it, your subconscious mind holds all your memories and all your experiences. It is programmed in there. Everything you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt. If somebody actually wanted to try to recall something, it's very easy to recall information in hypnosis, but it's only if you're willing."