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Bradford Sportsmen’s Farm: Florida Challenge 2014

21 Apr, 2014 13

April’s Theme is Peak Sport Performance

Florida Challenge Sporting Clays Event at Bradford Sportsmen’s Farm Graham, Florida: March 1-2 2014

There were 293 shooters that attended the challenge at the Bradford Sportsmen’s Farm. Heavy rains on Wednesday made it very soggy. By the time we were leaving, I actually saw an RV stuck in the mud being pulled out by a tractor. Fortunately the sun was shining and although it started off chilly every morning, it warmed up quickly and ended up being a beautiful 75 degrees by Sunday. There was definitely something for everybody: FITASC 100 Targets, 200 Target Main Event, 5-Stand, and even two practice 5-stands. I heard from many of my clients that the targets were very challenging. Even some stated that they were set in a way where one target in a pair would be lagging and slow and the other would be fast and soaring which made for quite the mental game. Sounds to me from talking to many people that Bradford Sportsmen’s Farm is known for their tricky targets and that anyone coming to this area for one of these events knows what to expect.

I was fortunate enough to watch about a dozen of my clients shooting throughout the weekend. Many of them did very well. Watching Wendell Cherry come out on top with four out of five events. He came in first for Thursday prelims, Friday prelims, 5-stand, and FITASC. He came in 8th for the Main Event.

John Woolley came in first in 5-Stand Veterans, 3rd in FITASC Veterans and 3rd in Main Event, Veterans. Most of my Saturday and Sunday was spent coaching these two greats and watching their master skills. It was fun to be able to bring my son, Charlie and my boyfriend, Tracy along for the show.  Bradfors Sportsmen’s Farm and the Florida Challenge turned out to be a very exciting and eventful weekend.  This year is shaping up to be a really great year for competitive clay shooters. Hope to see you at the next event.

For more information on Clay Shooting and products I have available, click here.

To see pictures of this event, click here.

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