Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words. – Anonymous
Your Happiness Depends On This ONE Thing…
02 Jun, 2017
Everyday we are looking for something that can make us happy, without knowing that the only one who is responsible for your happiness is YOU! When we are happy we are on a different energetic level and we do a lot of things in a different way. We smile more and we take course of […]
Imagine that! Can you believe it? The following three things – staying up late at night, messiness, and swearing– are generally considered to be certain indicators of bad manners, laziness, and general failure. However, recent scientific research claim the very opposite. If you suspect that you belong to the category of people with these traits, […]
If you do not enjoy what you are doing, you will never be good at it. -Luke Parker
By Todd Briscoe, Little things Personally, I’m not the type of person to believe in a storefront psychic who charges $5 to read my palm. Even when I see a medium on television, I’m a little skeptical of their true abilities. However, this test that has been going viral online gave us such accurate predictions, I […]
7 Signs You’re Way Too Stressed (and How to Deal)
09 Jun, 2017
Unless you surround yourself with Tibetan monks, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone in your life — including you — that wouldn’t say they’re stressed about something. There are times when stress can be a good thing — it can help you conquer fears or motivate you to get something done. But when you’re constantly […]