April’s Theme is Peak Sports Performance
Do you feel comfortable with your swing, putting and ball position, and know that you are learning what works for you every time you golf? D...
April’s Theme is Peak Sports Performance
Do you feel comfortable with your swing, putting and ball position, and know that you are learning what works for you every time you golf? D...
In 2007 my private practice took a large turn when Sports Improvement was added to my menu of services. Yes, I had worked with a few athletes here and there prior to this… a Pro Boxer, and a few baseball and tennis players, but nothing like what was starting to happen. Unbeknown to me, this turn ended up sending me down a very rewarding and success-filled path. I didn’t just stick my toes into Sports Improvement, I jumped in with two feet into the...
April’s Theme is Peak Sports Performance
If you want to peak your sport performance, choose something you want to work on every week. As you do, you will acquire increased understanding, insight, and confidence in your mechanics and mental skills – over time. Practicing helps you build confidence in your mechanics, which 90% of athletes do; but I encourage you to treat the mental side of your game just as importantly. Pra...
April’s Theme is Peak Sports Performance
How do you prepare to be the best you can be, in whatever you do? Do you take action in life, or do you let things go that you later believe you should have done something about? Are you kind to yourself in your thoughts and words? Do you wish you could be more positive about your game, but wonder how you can make it happen? In this article, I will help you answer these q...
April’s Theme is Peak Sports Performance
How can you recover quickly and shake off negative thoughts, in order to perform well in your golf game? When you consider that you have about 60,000 thoughts each day, most of which you had yesterday (and most of them negative), it may sound like an impossible task. That is because people don’t really know any different, even if they have the best intentions. Why...
April’s Theme is Peak Sports Performance
How often do you find yourself in the zone, in golf or in life? This is something most athletes are familiar with, but not on a regular basis. Of all the hundreds of athletes I have worked with, many of which are elite in their sport, they frequently say the zone experience eludes them. They can name moments when t...