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US OPEN Clay Shooting Championship 2014

31 May, 2014 12

The first week of June marks one of the most competitive sporting events of the year for clay shooters.  If history repeats itself, the US Open Clay Shooting Championship 2014 will draw more than 1000 entrants.  The competition will be held at the Claythorne Lodge in Columbus, Kansas.  Wendell Cherry, who was inducted into the NSCA Hall of Fame in 2012 will be competing; as will John Woolley and a few other great sportsmen and women who I have the privilege to call clients.  

Clay shooting is gaining popularity in certain sports circles due to the intense focus and talent that the sport requires.  I have been to many events over the years and can attest to the rigors of FITASC, 5-Stand, and 12-Stand.  The clay targets range is size, distance, speed, and height.  The men and women of the clay shooting world practice and perform at events throughout the US and abroad.  Several of my clients have had a life-long attachment to the sport, others have recently found their niche in this competitive sport.  Wherever you fit in, I offer sessions, clinics, products, and workshops to aid in your mastery of this game.

John Woolley will be a guest at my booth at the US Open this year.  Look for us alongside the TEAM USA booth.  I am excited to meet and talk with you so please stop by and say hello.  I have a ton of discounts and specials going on through the month of June that pertain to Clay shooting as well as promotions for Clinics and Workshops.  If you have no idea what I do, I would love the chance to enlighten you about the world of hypnotherapy and mental training.

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Below are the specials and discounts I will be offering next week.  See you there!!

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