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A Message for Humanity – Charlie Chaplin

10 May, 2017 19

It was a courageous plea for sanity in a time of a world gone crazy with war.

The great comic and silent movie star, Charlie Chaplin, delivered this courageous plea for sanity in a time of a world gone crazy with war. It became one of the most poignant and powerful speeches in recorded history, from the 1940 satirical film “The Great Dictator.” Chaplin captivated the hearts of people across the world with his controversial speech, a condemnation of Hitler, Mussolini, fascism and antisemitism, delivered in the heart of the Second World War, when the US was still at peace with Nazi Germany.

The man famous for The Tramp, played both the role of a Jewish Barber and a fascist dictator in the film, which is considered to be a significant historical work. His potent words are as relevant today as they were 76 years ago and still move people from all walks of life. “More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.”

Enjoy this deeply inspirational speech by the inimitable Charlie Chaplin, set to stirring music and imagery.


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