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Mental Magnitude of Monks

10 Apr, 2015 10

We have all dealt with adversity.  Adversity in the workplace, schools, community, etc.  But the one adversity in which we fail to recognize time and time again is the great adversary in your head.  Your mind.  Your mind can be the defeatist.  Your mind can be the “negative nelly.” Your mind can ultimately set you back or deter you from moving forward.  How easy is it for you to turn off the negative noise in your head?  The chatter in your mind is the biggest adversary.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  Mental training teaches one to turn off the chatter of fears, doubts, worries, insecurities, and even the wandering mind. 

That is what these Shaolin monks have learned to do.  In fact, these monks believe that strength comes only from the mind.  It is because of this there are no limits to what they can do with their bodies during training. Shaolin monks practice a form of mental training.  Their’s is a meditative regime so deep within the confines of the mind that they can actually turn it off completely.  In their philosophy, the monks believe that training begins in the mind, not in the body.  It is inspiring to see and hear of a practice so intellectually and spiritually thought through.  Check out these images of them during their training.  There isn’t a lot that separates us from them.  It all lies within the mind.  Do you practice positive affirmations?  Do you struggle with negative chatter?  If so, mental training can help you.  I am here for you if you have questions or would like to try mental training.  Thanks for reading.  InJoy your day!

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