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Stop Tobacco Dipping Hypnosis

15 May, 2013 11

Did you start using tobacco and dipping at a young age when you thought it was no big deal? Feeling like it was the cool thing to do or a way to fit in. Now you are older and know that it is unhealthy and causing you harm but you feel like you have no control over it. It can be extremely frustrating to want to quit dipping but feel like there’s no hope because every time you have tried to quit, you couldn’t! Dawn’s Stop Tobacco Dipping Hypnosis will help you at the subconscious level to be tobacco free, to choose a healthy, active life and easily be free of that old dipping habit!

 Special areas of Concentration Incorporated in the Hypnosis Suggestions:

  • Right now is truly the right time; you now have a strong desire to be completely, 100% free of tobacco
  • Being free of tobacco and dipping is easier than you had ever imagined, easier and easier every day
  • You awaken excited about your life and inspired; desiring to live a long, healthy, active life
  • Water is your new priority and companion, you always have drinking water with you
  • All choices and actions throughout your day contribute to a long, healthy, active life

Included In Purchase:

  • Instructions PDF
  • “Intro To The Mind” Video
  • Stop Tobacco Dipping Hypnosis MP3 Audio


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